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 Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)

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Guerrero Diablo
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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2009 5:18 pm

It was a beautiful, sunny day, the Leader was on the deck of the Fortress known as Las Noches, him being very nervous and frantic, panicking quietly in his mind Las Noches was in the toughest time of its life, the Espada only holding seven members instead of the usual ten. Some of the formers had left, others had died or been killed, either way they knew that they needed much more members if they wanted to take down the Soul Society. Conejo knew not what to do, as he was in a tight position, and if Las Noches were to be attacked, all would be lost. Conejo would now call everyone to the meeting room, the serious matters needed to be discussed. Conejo was looking for more Espada, having more plans to invade the Soul Society, and also needing defense during an absence and/or ambush. Conejo paced back and forth across the deck of the large balcony like deck, his hands upon his chin and the clicking of his shoes as he walked seeming endless. He then stopped himself hot in his tracks. Naraka then placed his hands in his pockets and began to walk slowly towards the door.

Conejo then walked through the halls of Las Noches, noticing some of the other members in their chambers and others resting. He made his way through the halls of Las Noches. He then came to an avast stop, arriving at a large door, taking a look at the knob. He opened up the room, and there, sat 10 chairs and a large table, the room revealing itself to be the meeting room. Conejo then walked towards the chair at the center of the table, slowing pulling it out behind it and setting himself inside of the chair, getting a bit more comfertable as he would now be surronded by the current members of Espada. He then signaled all of the Espada to report to the room immediatly, waiting for the members to show up as he sat back down and look at the orb in the middle of the table, shining brightly and supplying him with more power.

Last edited by Conejo on Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Guerrero Diablo

Guerrero Diablo

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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2009 5:27 pm

He came fast, he was almost never late as he deemed himself superior to most other members in las noches even though he was nr 7 at any rate he walked into the Meeting room with his eyes closed and his arms in his pockets, he narrowed his eyes a bit and glanced at Conejo the Primera espada, he simply sat down on his seat withouth a word.... he was not suprised to not see anyone else besides himself here yet... the seat that he sat down on seemed to turn a bit grey as pieces started to peel off... as if on its own

he sat now with his eyes closed, the number 7 inscribed in his left eye...
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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2009 5:36 pm

Aziraphale walked slowly toward the Espada's meeting area, wondering what new the Primera had for them today. Reaching the long hallway that preceded the meeting room, Aziraphale cast out mentally, homing in on the Reiatsu in the room. He found only two: The Primera and Setapa. Azirahale reached the end of the hall, and walked into the room. His guess was correct: the room held only two Espada, three now that he was here. Aziraphale walked slowly toward his own chair, and nodding his head in greeting at the other two, he sat down.
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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2009 9:53 pm

Deep below the fortress of Las Noches, in the far east end of the extensive network of catacombs that predated most of the newer citadel itself, was a large chamber that was built as the private quarters of the current Cuatro Espada, Galihan Umbra. Barely enough light shone through the dark halls to be able to find one's way to the Espada's chamber, and only a few handful of Arrancar knew their way through the underground labyrinth without getting utterly lost for possibly months to even years before finding an exit. Inside these dark hallways, Umbra would be able to fight at maximum efficiency without any light to hinder his abilities which rely on darkness and shadows. Fortunately for the messengers who had been sent by Conejo to rally the Espada, Umbra also had an entrance built directly connecting his room the above floors.

Umbra sat in the center of his chamber, resting in a meditative state as usual. He would probably not awaken for several hours unless one of his fraccion or another Espada were to disturb him. The messenger sent to inform Umbra was neither an Espada nor one of his fraccion, so he continued to meditate even as the arrancar tried to get his attention. After a few minutes of ignoring the messenger, he got fed up and left, yelling and drawing his zanpakuto at one of Umbra's fraccion who had just arrived to the scene.


His yelling was enough to break the focus of Umbra, and he did not ever enjoy being called an incompetent fool. Especially by a lowly numeros. Before the messenger finished what he was yelling, he found himself being loomed over by the tall Quinto Espada who had used sonido to travel across the chamber in less than a heartbeat.

"Please keep your voice down," Umbra growled. "Your voice echoes in here, and you have five seconds to put that blade away and leave my presence or else you'll never leave this place alive."

The messenger, who must have been a newcomer to not know that the Quinto Espada was a pacifist. He was nearly petrified in fear, clumsily sheathed his blade and began to run at full speed to the stairway connecting the underground room to the rest of Las Noches. Umbra smiled a large grin, and yawned. It wasn't like he'd actually have done anything to the messenger for yelling, but if the numeros didn't put away his blade he'd probably have lost a hand, but that would have just about been it.

It's not like Conejo would actually give a hoot about losing a servant, they were all expendable to him, and from what he could tell none of the current Espada particularly liked meetings anyway. Conejo was indifferent compared to former primera’s. If Conejo planned to continue hisr rule over Las Noches, he'd need more than simply having the strength to do so, intelligence is also needed. In any case, Umbra decided he had better see what the royal brat had planned for now, and he proceeded to leave the room and migrate to the throne room.

By the time he arrived in the large hall, he noticed that the only people there so far were Conejo himself, that insane Guerrero Diablo fellow, numbered Azira. Umbra did not like any of these people, and he was sure that none of them liked him. Umbra was a misfit among hollows, naming a high sense of honor and pride, being a pacifist unless provoked, and has never tortured or experienced pleasure in killing things slowly and painfully. He sank onto his knee and lowered his head.

"Your Majesty, on what occasion do we owe the privilege of being called to your side?" Umbra said, somehow managing to utter his words without choking. Oh how he hated him, and he was sure that the other Espada knew he was of course being sarcastic in order to take advantage of his renowned vanity.
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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 6:02 am

((Sei-sei is on a mission, thus cannot attend Razz ))
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Guerrero Diablo

Guerrero Diablo

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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 9:49 am

He examined Umbra and Azira enter the room, he crossed his arms, he looked like he was in his mid 80s white hair almost as white as his horns... His clothes where diffrent too to fit that age form more to perfection than before, his facialexpression recembled that of Barragan

He was pissed how long was he supposed to wait already 8 minutes and 27 seconds had passed since he entered the room about time ... he said for himself as he glanced at Umbra, he almost mentally laughed at his comment to there superior, very sarcastic indeed was he trying to get himself killed?, at any rate Seishou was not coming still there where 2 espadas that where not around...

Last edited by Guerrero Diablo on Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 9:58 am

Hiruma walked to the room in his usual lazy manner . He had his trademark grin on his face . It was impossible to know what he was thinking . Sitting down next to Azira he sighed .

Conejo , What's this all about ?
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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 12:21 pm

Whit a slow walk Midori entered the room filled whit High Ranked espada.
He stood in a corner and leaned on a wall.

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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 3:32 pm

As all the Espada entered the room Conejo watched one by one as they strolled in taking thier respective seats. He cleared his throat as the last of the current Espada rolled in the room. "Welcome everyone to the meeting as some of you are aware Seishou will not be attending but we shall countinue on anyway." Staring at the room filled with espada thinking about Galihan's remarks annoyed with him as always he was never one of Conejo's favorites in fact it wasn't his choice to make him an Espada it was Seishou he trusted him and allowed him to become an Espada but he was still having doubts about it.

"Galihan so good of you to make it" he said in a sarcastic tone as well just to have a little fun at his expense. "Now to get down to buisness" he said putting his hands on the table giving a more serious look. "I have called all of you here to talk about the plan to invade the soul society and kill the Captain Commander if that answers your question Hiruma. Now i want to bring a small task force including myself to go and attack the Soul Society while the rest of you stay here." He said scanning the room to gauge what the people's reactions were to this shocking news this was a daring move attacking the Soul Society with so few men was a suicide to most but it was worth the risk. "My inteligence says that the soul society is in a very weak i feel now would be the best time to strike and deal a very serious blow. So I wish to know now who here is willing to come with me to attack the Soul Society" he said with a grin on his face this to most would seem like the most horrible time to be grinning.

He scanned the room looking to see how everyone was reacting to the news and to see if any were going to volunteer for this dangerous mission. "So if anyone has any questions now would be the time to ask because once this meeting is over the team will assemble and move out." Now that he said this he fell back in his chair wait to see if there were any questions or comments people wanted to say.
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PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 6:39 pm

Aziraphale watched as the various Espada trickled in, grimacing at the sarcastic remark by Galihan. He disliked that particular Espada. Not only did he not have the proper respect for authority, his catacombs made it quite impossible to spy on him with Aziraphale's ravens. Aziraphale turned back to the table, setting his hands down as he waited for the rest of the Espdada to appear. Once they did, he turned toward the Primera, and listened to what he had to say...

He was shocked that the Primera would suggest such a ridiculous action! A full on invasion of Soul Society would go very badly, simply due to the brute numbers of Shinigami. Not to mention that the Soul Society could easily track down three or four Espada, no matter how well they hid their Reiatsu. Aziraphale went on the voice these concerns, and then said:

"We should draw out the Shinigami into a neutral area, and not fight them on their own turf. Honestly it would be preferable to fight them in Las Noches, however I doubt we can lure them here without kidnapping someone incredibly important. Once we have weakened the Soul Society by killing, etc. the captains, we can move on and invade to destroy the Captain Commander, assuming he wasn't at the original battle."
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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2009 12:17 am

Hiruma looked at Conejo . He listened closely and then grinned wickedly . Standing up grinning .

I'm in .

He was determined . He wanted to slaughter those shinigami trash .
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Guerrero Diablo

Guerrero Diablo

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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2009 7:54 am

Guerrero sighed mentally and still holded his arms crossed while listening to Conejo, he didnt raise an eye brown at his plan but didnt really like the tone of it, he then turned to Azira and nodded

I agree with Aziraphale, there is withouth no doubt too many risks connected to this task for it to be sucsessful with minimal Sacrifices... The fact that there are still 3 espada spots open is more than enough reason to think twice before we should act... too rashly

He listened to Hiruma as a side note, heh go and get yourself killed that fits you well he though but didnt say anything if my intel is right then Seishou should be fighting a captain in Rukongai, but i think its safe to say that alone he wont last long... off course hes not that stupid... that he would go too far he closed his eyes

At any rate if i can choose id rather stay here... , or thats what id normally say... but as things are at such i dont feel like i could lose today... he was a great user of strategy, with his fellow espada he was able to take care most problems withouth any trouble at all as he preffered to watch fighting than actually involve in such hassle...
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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 08, 2009 6:11 am

Conejo sat in his chair relaxed listening to his Espada voice their thoughts he had counted on these reactions he knew this and he still said it mostly to see the reactions on their faces. "You insult me you think we cant handle them who are you guys Espada or hollows" he spoke with a small laugh in his voice he knew that all the Espada hated being called lowly hollows. It was just so fun to see how they act though he just couldnt help himself. "I always have a plan Im going to go out on a limb here and say none of you are aware of my innate ability? Its sad really you think you all would know what your leaders innate ability is. I mean come on its a pretty cool ability." He said as he fell forward in his chair slouching in sadness.

"I guess i will have to show all of you what my innate ability is and then im sure you will change your minds about the invasion." He said snapping his figures sitting back up in his chair opening his mouth to speak once again. "five through twelve please point all your swords at the Espada if you dont mind." The second he finished his words the shadows in the room began to show movement slowly figures began to appear then launched forward at incredible speeds making them almost impossible to see. The figures came to full their shapes all were the same they were in fact exact clones of Conejo for this was his ability. Each one of the clones had two swords they were pointing at each of the Espada. " So then what do you have to say now?"
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Tank Ranko
The Forgotten One
Tank Ranko

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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 08, 2009 3:16 pm

Tank walking in from the shadows grinning as he was clapping his hands. The clap was loud because of the room. Tank then said to Conejo Conejo hot headed like always said Tank smiling. Tank the pulled out 1 a chair and sat on it. Tank stared at Conejo and said with a weird tone. Conejo Conejo... Do you know why i am here? a captain of the 6th division is here conversing with a espada... I'm here to ask you something... But don't be shock when you hear whats going to happen.... I betrayed the Soul society i killed a bunch before i got here... But i have a deal... You let me....... said Tank taking a big pause

Tank then said with a big grin Help you and in return i get protection from the people that want to assassinate me... said Tank. Do we have a deal?? asked Tank If you let me join you i will help lead the invasion. said Tank as he then crack his neck and smiled showing his teeth showing his fangs.
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Guerrero Diablo

Guerrero Diablo

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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2009 12:02 pm

withouth a word or a blink of an eye Guerrero sonidoed behind Tank...
your either really brave, or really stupid to come here... Shinigami... he poked against tank`s back it felt like his bodybecame slow and numb at the mere touch of his finger... he didnt give any expression to tank but glanced at conejo... as if expecting him to give a signal to kill him... he was shrouded in shadows behind Tank, he glanced at conejos reitsu and attack and figured his strenght was quite formidable....
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Tank Ranko
The Forgotten One
Tank Ranko

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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 19, 2009 11:39 am

Tank looks at Guerrero. I wouldn't try anything if i was you. Somone might lose an eye or even a whole head said Tank looking back. Looks like you are one of Conejo servants so do your self some good and make me a sandwich while i am talking conejo said Tank. You are probably thinking im a regular shinigami. well you are wrong pipsqueak im am Tank Ranko ex-captain of the 6th division. said Tank reaching to his zanpaktou.
(short but w.e)
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Guerrero Diablo

Guerrero Diablo

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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 2:30 pm

Guerrero narrowed his eyes at tank, a slight grin could be seen in his facial expression before diminishing into nothingness after giving back a serious facial expression servant? that made him laugh a bit with a low toneyoure even more stupid than you look like... he said with a cold voice....

you know nothing.... and, you certainly wont need this.... the next second he holded Tanks Zanpakto in his left arm in a tight grip.... for your observation im an espada not your servant... i serve no one

yes thats right your not a regual shinigami.... your a captain.... but it does not matter... every shinigami will bow before me.... before or after there death, either way i dont care a shit... Guerrero gazed at Tank, leaving a little room between them....

you would do wiseley not to raise your blade... because you will die before you even know what happened... every espada gazed at tank more or less
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PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 26, 2009 7:59 pm

"STOP" Conejo spoke with such a booming voice it was as if the room was shaking. "Guerrero let go of him now do you understand me this is no way for the Segunda of the Espada to act." He said standing up walking over towards them with each step relesing more of his spiritual pressure. By the time he was standing infront of them the amount of spiritual pressure he was relesing was enough to make most people become as stiff as stone. "Now then I will hear you out Tank was it you wish to help me invade the Soul Society. Now why should i trust you i mean you are a soul reaper after all?" He asked as he reached for their throats throwing them both back at the wall directly behind them. "Also I will not stand for violence in my meeting hall do i make myself clear?" He said walking back to his seat.
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Tank Ranko
The Forgotten One
Tank Ranko

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Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 26, 2009 8:19 pm

Hmmm thats going to be a hard one said Tank just standing there. Let me see how i can prove my self said Tank raising up a eye brow . Tank then said I got it. How bout a map of the soul society? said Tank. If that isn't enough i will give you my captains robe said Tank. Tank pulled out a little cup and slash his own arm as the blood fell into a little cup. Thats all i have to offer for you said Tank staring at Conejo
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Guerrero Diablo

Guerrero Diablo

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PostSubject: Re: Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada)   Espada Meeting (attendance manditory absence=removal from Espada) I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 27, 2009 4:49 am

Guerrero could not belive what Conejo was saying, how could he expect to let a shinigami live, in our homeyard, it was pathetic, tank made him sick just being around him, he just hoped he would not have to work along side with him,however he was taken aback from the pure spiritual pressure conejo released but he didnt show much to that, neither did he show any regret for what he did earlier he made clear to avoid eye contact with conejo and gazed to somewhere else you made it clear enough... he tossed Tank`s Zanpakto back to Tank, however even so he tried to stab it by throwing it towards him and then he took a seat as if nothing really had happened... it was not like he was intrested in this conversation anymore...
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