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 Usagi {Arrancar}

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Usagi {Arrancar} Empty
PostSubject: Usagi {Arrancar}   Usagi {Arrancar} I_icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 1:42 pm

Name: Usagi

Age: 562 (32 human, 200 hollow, 330 Arrancar)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Usagi {Arrancar} Biozuo10 The fragment of his mask that was left over from his transformation were his soft fuzzy ears that he mostly keeps hidden under his hair for fear of how people will react. He usualy has a little blade of grass in his mouth he wears a robe with no sleeves that he drapes over his shoulders he nevers wheres a shirt under it all he shows off his rock hard abbs and a scar that goes along his chest from when he was alive. He always keeps his left hand in his pocket when fighting he only pulls it out when he feels his opponent is worth it or is using his Ultimate attack.

Normal Usagi is a very calm and collected person out of his peers at times he is the most level headed person you will ever meet. But when he takes a sip of alchol he goes a little bit nuts he loses all inhabitions and becomes incredibly gutsy. He can't turn down a challenge it is just impossible he will do anything and the more alchohol he has the more fearless he becomes. He loves to sleep he will camp out in any place where he can catch some sun or a nap. His favorite kind of places are wide open fields with soft grass and a shiny lake, huge trees that reach into the heavens, and on top of tall buildings where he can just relax. He is a huge flirt, womanizer, and pervert at times but a slap will bring him back to his senses. He is a loyal and trustworthy friend he will never betray you. (Just dont leave him alone with your girlfriend Razz)

Battle Usagi is an awesome fighter he loves the art of combat he is drawn into fights just for the sheer fun of it. His bloodlust at times in unquenchable he was even once called a vampire for the amount of violence he commited on a battle field. Even with his bloodlust he knows how to keep a level head he thinks out his every move he never jumps in head first without inspect and observing his surroundings. For most people they show such emotion on the battle field they will show pure anger and rage but Usagi never flinches he can slice a hundred men in two without even batting and eyelash. His loyalty on the battlefield is unmatched he will never abandon his friends on the field he feels it is a sign of weakness. If his freind is in trouble he will even use his body as a sheild to make sure they get away. In battle Usagi shows such elegance it stuns everyone.

Usagi wasn't his first name his original name was Jack Macmillan he was an Scotish gun maker making a living in Japan selling explosives to everyone who would buy them be them the government or rebels he sold to everyone he always had a pet rabbit that followed him everywhere he would take it with him to deals and on resupplying arrons. His live was good his buisness was going good him and his good luck rabbit was in good health and he had a beautiful wife and kids. But one day he was on a routine resupplying arron when a storm cought him and his ship in the middle of the ocean. The storm kept getting worse and worse and worse till finally it was a full blown typhoon. He and his crew tried to get to the harbor but after a while they couldn't tell which way it was. He quickly had all his crew get onto the lifeboats all that was left was him. When his second in command tried to get him to get on Jack relized his bunny wasn't with him so he told them to go on a head and he would catch up so they all left. Jack started searching through the ship looking for his rabbit when he finally found him he was curled up in a corner in the explosive hold. Jack tried to get him out when the rabbit finally came out of the corner and jumped into Jacks arms a bolt of lightning hit the boat setting the explosives off right in his face exstinguishing him and the rabbit. From the lifeboats his crew saw the explosion and they all began to weep crying out for with his last act Jack saved over a hundred lives. His soul however awoke and the rabbit was gone his spirit was trapped there on the ship waiting at the bottom of the ocean for years till finally an excavation crew came and dug up the ship but as soon as he reached the surface a group of hollows attack him transforming him into one of them.

Right after he became a hollow hovering above the boat he killed the whole crew of the excavation team tearing the apart piece by piece his speed was amazing the sheer grace of the kill the other hollows were stunned. But as he ate the crew his hunger grew more and more till finally once he had finished off the crew his hunger was unbearable so he turned his attention to the other hollows in the area just eating them with such rapid speed is was unbeliveable they couldn't even put up a fight. After he had finished with them he quickly headed for the mainland hunting down and killing everyone he could find any human who showed even the slightest spike in spiritual level. But after a few years of that he found that they started to get worst in taste with each bite. So he soon left the human realm and returned to Hueco Mundo where he started to feast upon every hollow he came across. After about a few years he found his way into the Menos Forest where he found the best feasts he could hope for Menos Grandes he started hunting them and after about a 100 years he transformed into a Gillian after the largest battle of hollows ever. As a gillian he lost most of his speed as he started to devour more and more Menos. After a couple years he evolved to the next level of adjuchas when he finally got to this level a bright light flashed as his underlings started laughing at him for his size and shape for he was a pure white rabbit with sharp claws. They quickly tried to turn on him but he quickly killed his second in command showwing them that he was still incharge after a few years he fully adapted to his new form. He learned how to escape the area he was in so he killed all his minions which reached into the hundreds by that point and used his incredible jumping ability to escape.

After he left the Forest of Menos he just wandered around Hueco Mundo looking for more prey which he found still pretty easy after about a couple years he found himself in a lonely state afraid of returning into a Menos. This lead him to eat more and more till finaly he found himself at Los Noches the residence of the Espada as well as some Vastro Lordes. He quickly pushed open a huge pair of doors peering his head inside. Out of the blue he felt a huge surge in spitiual pressure there were some of the vastro lordes talking. He tried to sneak out but one of them saw him and rushed over picking him up and bringing him back over. She kept petting him and petting him and stroking him he finally got fed up without any warning he let out a giant barrage of bites at the the vastro lordes head killing her cold the others quickly got into a stance as they saw a glow coming from his body. But when the glow stopped Usagi was the same he had more fuzz but he stayed the same. When one of the vastro lordes observed him they relized that he couldn't really change into a true vastro lorde that he would just stay a rabbit but he would technicly be a vastro lorde. With this he became infuriated that he couldn't become a humanoid so he quickly and in their pressence ripped off his mask and as he did this a huge amount of spiritual pressure shot out as he transformed into an arrancar the vastro lordes around him were shocked at his new apperance for they and not seen it but they had heard of others doing this. So he began his new life as an arrancar unsure of how things would play out but he swore he would make the best of it.

His life as an arrancar was not easy at first he was doing good he had vastro lordes who followed him around as his servants he returned to the Forest of Menos where he lived he was so happy. He started holding fights in it challenging anyone to a fight to the death he was undefeated he couldn't be stopped he was the undisputed champion. Till one day a man in a black robe came to the arena and took on Usagi in a fight he was on a winning streak one more would make one hundred kills. So he accepted the mans challenge not realizing something that this man was anything but ordinary he was an Espada he could tell which it was but he knew just by the sheer amount of energy he had. Usagi was nervous but he didn't show it he started to fight drawing his swords he slashed once but he missed he slashed again and missed again he kept attacking after about 5 or 6 attacks the stranger grabbed his swords with his bare hands had flung him clear into the air he fell back to the ground beaten with such ease it was embarrasing. Usagi got back up but the man quickly put both Usagi's swords to his throat. But he did not finish Usagi off but instead he told him to go to Los Noches and train for he was unskilled and all around hot headed. The man soon dissapeared vanishing into the wind Usagi never saw him again. Usagi on that day ended the fights and escaped from the Forest of Menos heading for Los Noches. When he got there he started training his hardest that is where he became a fraccion to the Primera himself where he swore his alleigance to. He felt that if he trained there long enough he to would become an Espada and hopefully one day find and defeat the man he had met on that day.

Innate Ability:
By manipulating his reiatsu Usagi can create clones of himself complete and real copies this idea follows the property of Rabbits having so many children. This attack is effective as that the clones can appear and disappear on his command causing massive annoyance for anyone caught by them. They are sold clones so they can attack and can be hit making it harder to figure out which is the original. The clones can all be defeated by attack the original that is one of the major flaws if Usagi loses focus for too long they will disappear.

Last edited by Conejo on Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:45 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Usagi {Arrancar} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Usagi {Arrancar}   Usagi {Arrancar} I_icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 1:46 pm

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