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 Tetsuya Kyuuten

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Tetsuya Kyuuten Empty
PostSubject: Tetsuya Kyuuten   Tetsuya Kyuuten I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 1:22 pm

Name: Tetsuya Kyuuten

Age: 359

Visual Age: 19

Gender: Male

Division: Eleven


When first born, his attitude around others was just as any other boy of his age; Gullible and Oblivious to every type of event happening around him. Although, his lifestyle between his parents were a main factor in his growth. As he grown his personality developed as any other human being would, although having his father as a bad role model altered his personality in a negative way. Being put in several life or death situations forced him to change his persona completely.

After once being a hollow the young and newly purified boy has somewhat kept the savage personality that the killer beast have all developed. He kills with no mercy, trusts no being, and takes no chances by allowing an opponent to get to comfortable within the time of battle. He shows respect toward no one because he feels that no one deserves his respect. He is fairly rude to anyone, despite their rank or superior power.

Although, his actions relate to a hollow in many ways, Tetsuya is annoyingly calm and to himself. He rarely talks to people and when he does his words aren't really what people wanted to hear at the time. He'd rather try not to socialize much because he tends to get annoyed at too many questions and when someone likes to talk too much. The only time he would speak is when he is curious or interested about something which is also rare. But through all of this seemingly calm aspect the Shinigami, is bloodlusting and sick.

He hates being under estimated by anyone it doesn't matter if he can tell that his opponent is stronger or not, he will not hesitate to kill anyone who takes him for granted. Tetsuya has a very strong will, probably one of the reasons why he is able to even exist. He doesn't break under pressure and that seems obvious in the way he carries himself. But compared to his past personality, the shinigami has made a vast improvement. Although, his hate for hollows are extremely huge considering his past with them. He attacks and kills them without remorse, regardless of how harmless some may seem to him.

Tetsuya's fighting style is normally to kill as quickly as possible and ask questions later. He focuses on nothing but chopping his opponent into pieces. He enjoys the sight of blood and loves the aspect of chaos, all of this is reflected in his fighting style. Although it may not seem that he is a savage out of battle, some may be surprised at his quick change in attitude once his blade is raised. His speed is his main course of fighting tactics and when compared to other shinigami, he self proclaims himself to be the faster one. His strength is standard and isn't all that strong when clashing in direct combat. He does know how to handle himself, but when facing someone who's main focus is purely physical strength then he will be instantly put at a disadvantage in a close combat situation at times, unless of course he figures out an easier way to carry out the battle. But when it comes to speed and technique, Tetsuya is not to be taken lightly.


Tetsuya Kyuuten Tetsuya

His physical appearance is that of a simple teenager. His skin being a white vanilla texture, matching his hair color which is also close to a vanilla texture, although the shading makes it seem more like a light brown. It's short and doesn't pass his forehead leaving enough room for his eyes to be seen without problem. The top spikes abit swaying to his right side at times.

His face is that of a regular teen, although it holds a evil expression through a smile that never fades. It is rather strange actually, but it gives him a vibe to others that he is indeed a dark individual. His smile seems rather fake because he constantly wears it, even within the heat of battle at times.

His eye pupils are a bright red bloody color. When looked into, the only type of emotion seen in them is hate. They gleam within shadows and also when his reiatsu is released. These eyes are a the most noticed feature on his body for most of his emotion are seen through his eyes, because of the fact that his face is usually unreadable. He walks in a lazy manner, having his hands in his pockets and slouching for the most part. His clothes are the regular shinigami robes although, one small change he made to it, is the hood that is attached to the back. He also wears black gloves along with his robes. His Zanpakuto is kept at his left side since he is right handed, although the shinigami is ambidextrous, which is a good trait on his part.


Look below for History.
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Age : 32

Tetsuya Kyuuten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tetsuya Kyuuten   Tetsuya Kyuuten I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 1:24 pm

Born during the late times of Japan, Tetsuya was raised by his mother and father whom were known throughout the land as great Ronin. His father’s name was Ryuujin, Kyuuten and his mother was named Keibatsu, Setsuka. His father was considered the main threat while his mother stood at his side, also known as a force to be reckoned with. They traveled the lands of Japan only as loners, bounty hunters, and mercenaries, killing any target as long as a good price was given in return. Their life seemed perfect through their eyes and they believed that it could get no better than it already was, until of course Tetsuya was born.

The child was an unexpected burden and they never had any intention of bringing a child into their rouge-like lifestyle. In the process the enemies they developed in the years of their business caught word of their child’s birth and constantly put the boy in danger of death and also attempting to use him to kill his parents. This fact put Kyuuten and Setsuka on the top of an endless hit list, making them constantly run from battle to protect a child they never wanted but had too much pity to get rid of it. Well Setsuka was the one that pitied the boy, while Kyuuten constantly argued about killing the boy or simply getting rid of him, because he caused too much trouble for them.

But of course as Setsuka being the mother of this child she knew very well that killing her own was not honorable, even though in her case she should know nothing of it. As they constantly ran Kyuuten was forced to protect both the child and his wife, only because of his love for Setsuka. When they became outnumbered they were forced to hide within caves, forests, and even river banks while also making sure their child wasn’t harmed in the process. Eventually they started an attempt in changing their identity, making their appearance seem as simple peasants than Ronin. The father was of course the only one that felt as though he was degrading himself, but could not allow his wife to move by herself. So he reluctantly followed her and helped her wherever she went.

As they made their identity changes, the years began to move by smoothly. Although, eventually the money they gained from their life as hunters and mercenaries began to lessen by the second and Kyuuten made him self look for a peasant job to provide for them and also a permanent village home. Around this time, Tetsuya was only about seven years old, now aware of his surroundings, but to an extent. He was now at the early age that the smallest things could influence him later in life if they happened enough. Setsuka constantly took care of him attempting to teach him ways opposite to what she and Kyuuten used to do. She wanted to make him into a good child that wouldn’t be faced with the dangers of death as many times as they have. But Kyuuten had other plans for this child, even though he didn’t care for the boy what he wanted was to have him follow the same path as he did, he believed that Setsuka had forgotten their ways and seemingly began to lose his once strong respect and love for her.

Every night he would take the boy outside to a nearby wood, and train him in swordplay, teaching the boy everything he knew from deadly strikes, quick agility and movement, to cheap tricks. And as the boy trained with his father, the progress he made began to make Kyuuten slowly gain a respect for the boy himself. These actions began to continue even more and soon his teachings began to switch towards things such as stealing small objects like foods just to see his capability. And slowly the boy became just as ruthless as his father, while his mother seemed to have no effect on him whatsoever. After another couple of years, the boy became extremely efficient in combat and even rouges actions and his father now had complete respect for the boy. But Setsuka came down with a sickness that they were unaware of at the time. Everyday, she would cough up small amounts of blood and at times her body became completely numb and she wouldn’t be able to move for many hours on in.

Tetsuya was of course concerned for his mother but his father took no interest and ignored his wife’s pleads for help at night. Although, Tetsuya stayed with his mother taking care of her when she needed, but at the same time he was put in situations with his father when it came to stealing other objects that were now random amounts of money and supplies from traveling caravans. The young boy now at the age of fifteen was thrust in an emotional and mental state between both his mother and father. He wanted to take care of his mother while she was sick, but at the same time he wanted his father to continue to respect him. These wants and apparent needs began to alter Tetsuya’s state of mind, and he became confused with his life. Unable to decipher what is the right or wrong thing to do because of his parents’ lack of respect for one another.

But very soon his burden was increased with heavy sadness when he woke up to see his father sitting by his still mother, crying over her body and constantly apologizing over and over for not being there for her. He repeated the same things over and over “We should have never had Tetsuya. He did this to you…I am sorry.” These words echoed throughout the boys’ mind and were soon burned into head, leaving a permanent scar that would in fact be the signal for his true personality to make light. Even though he heard these words from his father, he never actually said anything to him, in fact even when he first heard the words he quietly walked away acting as though he never walked in on them.

His father although, didn’t show himself for the entire day and Tetsuya was left alone. To occupy himself he began to wander the streets of the village he resided in, that was when he found his first friend and also the second factor in his life. He met a girl that went by the name of Taki Yami. This girl had a nice interest in the boy and they talked to each other for the entire day sharing each other’s past and talking about what they wanted in their future. As they spoke Taki began to take a bigger interest in Tetsuya’s life and she wanted to know the exact same things he did. Telling him that being a Ronin sounded cool and she wanted to be one too. Tetsuya never exactly knew if this was the right thing to do but he did it anyway, attempting to teach her whatever he could even though his teaching skills weren’t that great.
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Tetsuya Kyuuten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tetsuya Kyuuten   Tetsuya Kyuuten I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 1:24 pm

Everyday he did this with her, teaching her as best as he could, but somehow she got it. The two teens were pretty much the best of friends, but his father now seemingly over his wife’s death didn’t necessarily like his son playing with the other village children. In his mind he began to think that if Tetsuya played around and made himself known it would be a dangerous thing for them in the future and he didn’t want that. He then made Tetsuya pack whatever he needed and he left the village, leaving his past behind, seemingly. Tetsuya wasn’t ready for the sudden leave and didn’t want to either. Instantly he began to miss the only friend he gained in his life, crying silently to himself whenever he thought about it.

Another year went by and Tetsuya now turned sixteen, during the last year he spent nothing but training with his father, and Kyuuten also had them start the legacy again of the two Ronin, but instead they took up the job of assassination. Tetsuya began to fight against other warriors, but he was of course not ready for the sudden action placed before him. Every time they were sent out on an assassin objective, Tetsuya would somehow end up becoming the first one to freeze up and constantly his father would save him, spilling blood before the boy’s eyes. Almost near everyday he saw a life end, but he wouldn’t be the one to end them. But until one mission where they were sent to kill a small time thief, his father beat the thief and tied him up. At that same moment, Tetsuya was handed his weapon and his father coldly told him “Finish him, or I’ll kill you myself…” Instantly the boy was struck with the fear of his own father killing him and also the realization that he was serious.

The boy couldn’t believe what he heard and getting killed was something he didn’t want to happen. Thus the boy had to find a drive to bring him self to kill the thief. He thought about what his father said about him to his dead mother, he thought about his father taking him away from Taki and forcefully putting him in this lifestyle, he thought about what his father just said to him. Suddenly, the weapon was thrust into the neck of the thief, thus making it Tetsuya’s first kill, and not his last. Even though the stab was driven by anger, when he killed the thief something evil clicked in his head. He felt relief somehow through the course of ending the man’s life. He felt a strong sense of a pleasurable sensation when the katana struck the thief’s throat.

His father didn’t realize the change until their next mission when Tetsuya, took on a warrior and made quick work of him, smiling as blood spurted and grinning with an evil look in his eye as he scalped the head of his victim. His father no longer saw the helpless young child he once knew, but he was now seeing the birth of a killer of absolute destruction. During this year both Tetsuya and Kyuuten gained a name for themselves, although Tetsuya was a lot more feared, gaining the Spanish nickname Diablo, after he, his father and a group of other rouges killed a group of Spaniards that wished to reside in Japan for a few weeks. Tetsuya during this battle was seen killing mercilessly women, men, and children.

Even his own father began to fear his son after this battle. When Tetsuya turned 17 him and his father were attacked by two masked assassins, Tetsuya of course had no problem fending them off and killed one of them while his father was injured in the leg. The teen fought off the second one in an even match until he disarmed the warrior. When he disarmed the assassin he removed the mask to see his victim only to be dumbstruck by the assassin’s identity. It was in fact Taki, the young girl he used to know when he resided in his old village.

The girl although, didn’t seem too happy. Tetsuya asked why she was attacking him and his father when she replied by saying that she wanted him to die. The teen was once again struck with an emotion that confused him. She wanted him to die? But Tetsuya thought that she was his friend. He thought that maybe she would come around and say it was a joke, but it wasn’t. She told him that Tetsuya killed her father a year ago, and when she got word of it she has been trying to kill him since then. The teen couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but he had no time to think more on it because at the next moment, he blacked out. As he heard that she wanted to kill him, memories about his father and the things he said to him came to his head.

The boy quickly attempted to kill her, but failed at it. She quickly retaliated with moves that got her quickly out of the situation and fled the scene. When she left the teen was still consumed in anger, turning towards his father that he blamed and accused to be the cause of all of this. But the man didn’t seem to care much for Tetsuya’s emotion and shown it through his emotionless look as he sat before Tetsuya while his leg remained injured. Though, the only words he would say to his son was "I regret to even think that you have my blood running through your veins..." The teen slowly walked towards his father and cut him down where he sat…

That was the end of Kyuuten and now the new beginning of Tetsuya Kyuuten the Akuma. That entire year Tetsuya went on hunts and assassinations by himself, continuing to create a name for himself and killing without mercy as usual. Very soon his name was known throughout all of Japan and the need for his death rose to the top. People saw him as a dangerous man and also a demon in human form. But compared to what he was about to face, he was nowhere near a demon. As he went on this death travel, Tetsuya began to witness things and see things no normal person should. His eyes caught glimpses of spirits and even black robed samurai that occasionally passed by him and disappeared within the same moment.

Tetsuya himself began to think he was crazy but he wasn’t, he figured that out once he finally was able to speak to a spirit. The spirit he spoke to was a young man named Shiro Sokozuna who was killed by a Ronin and he was subject to walking the earth by himself. Tetsuya didn’t feel any type of sorrow for this being but found it necessary to listen. Suddenly, that was when he caught a glimpse of a beast that he had never seen in his long 17 years of life. A gruesome looking beast covered in rough white skin, with its face covered by a strangely patterned mask. The beast was large and bulky, and was the first thing in years to strike fear in the eyes of Tetsuya.

The beast killed the spirit instantly, devouring it and almost turned away to look for another victim. But then it stopped, finally realizing that the other being could see him. This of course signaled that Tetsuya had a strong spiritual pressure that the hollow wanted to feed on. As the teen witnessed the hunger within the glowing eyes of the beast, instinct to protect him self arose. He knew very well that he would have to fight and he also knew that he wouldn’t die by an animal. The teen bravely stood against the beast, and the white skinned creature charged him instantly. It's big and savage body moved slowly but the way it crashed through the area around it Tetsuya knew it had strength and hard skin.

But he fought anyway, dodging the beast and swinging his blade fearlessly at the body of the hollow, only to make small paper cuts. The teen then decided to attack the upper area which seemed more vulnerable. The hollow thrashed about unleashing a loud roar that shook the area, while Tetsuya stumbled about. Once he gained balance he jumped onto the body of the beast and began his ascend towards the facial area by instinct. Several times though he would fall, having to quickly regain himself before getting crushed by the beast.
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Tetsuya Kyuuten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tetsuya Kyuuten   Tetsuya Kyuuten I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 1:25 pm

Then finally for the fourth time which nearly took all of his strength he was able to bring himself to the mask of the beast, slashing as hard as he could, but to his unfortunate circumstance it did no damage. The hollow noticing the failed attempt retaliated with a hard arm swing to the body of the teen sending him crashing to the ground. The life of the teen ended just that instant and the creature won its fight and slowly moved towards it’s kill but before it took its kill, by chance another beast appeared and attempted to fight the other for a chance to devour both each other and the spirit. The teen emerging as a spirit witnessed the events and quickly ran away while he had a chance, getting away safely.

Now realizing he had no other place to go, he remembered Taki, and also began to regret the things he did to make her angry. He then set out returning to the village he once resided in before he and Taki became enemies. Although, he didn't expect to find the woman back at the village due to her recent occupation by another chance the woman caught his eye leaving her hometown after paying respects to her late father. Tetsuya's regret grew and he became compelled to follow her and watch over her.

He went at least a year watching over the woman, seeing the things she went through and also the pain she felt because of Tetsuya's actions. He watched her take her undying anger out on the victims she assassinated, putting Tetsuya's face on theirs so it would be easier to kill them. Tetsuya began to see many similarities and now realized that his way of revenge was wrong, he blamed the wrong people and tried to seek happiness the wrong way, using his anger for his father to kill beings. Just like she used Tetsuya's image to kill her targets.

The teen knew of his wrong and almost right at that moment he was close to having an epiphany, until he was forced to sit helplessly and watch Taki be set up and killed by other assassins that saw her as too much of a reckless threat. Fearing that her emotion driven killing spree would make their business suffer. As the spirit watched his childhood friend fade from all life, the teen became once more consumed in a boundless rage. His entire form changed and his mind fell into complete darkness as his old personality and everything it could have been, fell into complete oblivion.

The teen became the exact monster he encountered at least a year ago, a hollow. As soon as he completed his dark transformation he consumed the beings in that same instant. Tetsuya was lost and developed a large hunger for more of the humans he consumed. And so the hollow began to wander for years doing the same thing over and over. Consuming souls of the dead and spiritually adept. Until finally his destiny began to take its toll again on his new life. The hollow Tetsuya found his way to a small village that had a reiatsu that attracted the glutton. Although, this reiatsu was one that was too strong for him, it was a Death God. This being actually led the hollow there purposely, after getting an order from his higher ups to kill all hollow in the area and Tetsuya was first on the list. A dark skinned shinigami that called himself Vendetta as an alias.

As Tetsuya encountered this being, the shinigami didn't hesitate to begin his assault, instantly attacking the beast without mercy. The hollow unprepared for the quick and agile attacks from the shinigami was instantly dealt with. Not even being able to put up a decent fight. But in this process, the shinigami that attacked him used his blade to perform a usual ritual of purifying the beast's soul, removing whatever anger, rage, and darkness that made him into this murderous beast. And for a long moment Tetsuya's vision was totally blank and for moments that felt like an eternity Tetsuya fell into oblivion.

Then suddenly, he awoke in what seemed like another village. People roamed the streets acting just like normal human beings should. But something was wrong, no longer did Tetsuya feel the never ending hunger and the blood lust he craved for several years as that beast. He also didn't want to believe that he was alive, his head turned examining the area around him until suddenly an older man walked up to him greeting him as if he was a guest. "Welcome to the Rukongai, I see you must be new here?"

Tetsuya allowed the man to speak and asked him where he was, while the old man replied with a laugh and a short reply "Like I said, you are in the Rukon District of the Soul Society. Where we spirits are brought to after death, understand?" And after that reply he finally understood and from that moment he realized that he would be in this place for the rest of his life. Stuck in a place that didn't seem like the heavens. As his first year passed in this Rukongai area, he became used to the lifestyle although, his reputation wasn't all that great. He formed a small gang of thieves that robbed almost several areas of the rukon to make a living. His ability being that of pure swordplay made him feared by most of the villagers, but larger gangs that self proclaimed themselves to be kings of soul society set out to put him straight.

But of course the teenager Tetsuya was far from afraid, although he didn't expect a few events that would end up driving him from the Rukon. Once one of the larger groups caught him and his small time group of thugs outside of the Rukon District. They all had the intent to kill Tetsuya and his group on the spot, but by another chance, the teen became lucky. A hollow found it's way into the Rukon District which was an extremely rare case, but it had help from three other hollow that came with it. The four hollows appeared before the group of gang members with hunger on their minds. Instantly they attacked the group of members killing them off one by one.

Tetsuya's gang was made short work of while he stood and watched, while the larger group attempted to attack. They too were instantly dealt with and only Tetsuya was left. The three hollows turned from their work and rushed over towards other spirits to feed on. One other hollow stayed behind and decided to chance the teen down for himself. The teen ran once again from the beast after gaining a flashback from his previous encounter with the hollow. His runaway was kept up for several minutes until he was finally backed into a corner by the hollow that chased him.

Once backed into his corner instantly his murder instinct returned and also another with it. Just like the hollow, a murderous look appeared in his eyes and he fought this beast also. With a small blade drawn he attempted to kill the beast, using the same tactics as before but this time he put up more of a fight. He swung his blade fiercely, drawing alot more blood this time. Tetsuya believed that he would come on top this time, reverting back to his savage style and begging to taste the blood of the hollow and knowing full well now that the beast wasn't indestructible. But unfortunately, simply knowing these things wasn't enough. This hollow was quicker than the previous one and instantly retaliated with a quick hit to the teen's body.

Tetsuya was knocked out instantly and sent flying into the ground below him. The hollow began to attempt to devour his next victim, until a Soul Reaper appeared and made quick work of the beast. This reaper was the same one that purified the teen as a hollow, although he didn't realize this. The shinigami actually watched the boy before he decided to jump in himself and was surprised of how much the teen put up a fight. Picking him up and bringing him with him back to the Rukon District so he could met up with the rest of his squad, who already killed the remaining hollows.

Once Tetsuya awoke the shinigami stood over him as well as three others. The teen didn't speak, he just simply listened as the shinigami spoke to the others about how he saw Tetsuya fight the hollow and actually cause damage towards it. Although, the other shinigami weren't all that impressed with the "feat" of Tetsuya, but the shinigami Vendetta couldn't stress enough on how this teen has potential to be a great shinigami. These words stuck Tetsuya a great deal and made him think abit on what else he could be doing besides simply messing with low life spirits and forming gangs. Suddenly he made his presence known, sitting up straight and letting the death god know he was awake.

As he got up Vendetta asked him simply with a grin on his face "How about you come with me...?" Tetsuya nodded guessing what his intentions could be at the moment. The other three shinigami although didn't necessarily want the teen to come with them though. As Tetsuya traveled with the four shinigami he told them his name and they told him theirs. Vendetta began to explain everything that just transpired, telling Tetsuya of the beasts that attacked them, calling them Hollows. While he began to tell Tetsuya what he was, which was a Shinigami, the death gods that pass the "righteous judgment" on wandering souls. Tetsuya was rather interested with what he had to say and listened intently, making sure every word did not go unnoticed.

Very soon he found his way into the soul society with the several shinigami as his escorts. The teen then found himself before a group of one other shinigami that seemed to be of rank from the look of him. After Vendetta and his squad members spoke with the high ranking shinigami about the teen's potential ability to become a good shinigami Tetsuya was sent to the academy for shinigami. There he trained for several years learning different types of kidou spells and the knowledge necessary for a shinigami to survive in the new world he was now apart of.

As years went by, the teen now a full fledged shinigami progressed through the academy, learning everything he needed to be able to pass through the academy. As his achievement came, so did his zanpakuto he was also placed in the Eleventh Squad due to his reckless nature in the academy. A perfect choice for the shinigami, being placed in the category of the demons of soul society. He found it suiting for his type of person. Ironically, Vendetta was also in the Eleventh squad and he and Tetsuya ended up becoming somewhat on the line of close friends. Vendetta thought of the teen as a close friend but Tetsuya unfortunately didn't care for the shinigami. So during this time Vendetta was unaware of intentions and ideas the teen had came up with during the time of being within his squad.
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Tetsuya Kyuuten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tetsuya Kyuuten   Tetsuya Kyuuten I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 2:12 pm

WOW THAT HURT MY BRAIN TO READ DUDE so im going to say this.......

Tetsuya Kyuuten Cabal_approved
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Tetsuya Kyuuten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tetsuya Kyuuten   Tetsuya Kyuuten I_icon_minitime

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