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Join date : 2009-05-24

PostSubject: Re:    I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 2:52 pm

Night had fallen over the land of the Vaizards and Izanagi was now returning from a day out that he had planned a few days ago. It involved him going from bar to bar or even from pub to pub. Izanagi loved Sake and the occasional drink which was way too much to be classed as occasional too. It was still remarkable that he is somehow able to remain sober and not let his drink get the better of him. There was a full moon mounted in the havens and underneath it moved a 6'3 figure. A muscular figure with long white spiky mane like hair and with the aide of the moonlight his crimson eyes glowed. A sigh escaped Izanagi's lips as he moved along feeling the earth on the bottom of his sandals. His red and black Haori like coat swayed a little in the wind and unlike most of the inhabitants in this territory. Izanagi didn't have a Zanapakuto in plain view.

The only thing that he had that was made of metal was his Sake bottle and the ring that was located on middle finger. Which so happened to be worn on his left hand too, lifting his hand above his head. Izanagi's hands was soon lost in his hair that was of an high volume, it was like a animal running through the tall grass stalking their prey. The white haired warrior's hand soon dropped to his side as he looked on in the distance. There stood an unfamiliar figure who seemed to be yawning at least based purely on the stranger's body language. Izanagi didn't bother to put any effort into reaching this strange person any quicker. He simply maintained the pace he was moving at from the beginning with his hand drifting towards his pocket ever so often. He was tempted to finish the sake that he had left in the bottle but then refrained from doing so.

Life is good and prosperous in the lands that the Vaizards populated and Izanagi was hoping that it would remain that way. An ominous breeze swept through the air lifting the leaves that had fallen from their branches. The leaves was carried away in the wind and towards the skies and was now in line with the full moon. It was such a wonder sight that was mainly seen in a movie or an Anime too. A few moments later Izanagi was standing just a couple of feet away from the stranger and so he decided to investigate too. Pausing for a moment a smile formed on his face as he came to a stop. "Heller there may I inquire as to what you're doing around these parts eh?".
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PostSubject: Re:    I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 9:01 pm

Looking at the beautiful, blue moon, Havoc had looked straight at the Vaizard. "Hmmm. You not one of the elites that made me this way are you? I was offered the spot as 5th Elite and given the opportunity to prove my worth. If I do, I am to become your superior. Maybe after I get a bite to eat, someone to talk to for a while, and some water before shuttin the eyes, I could face you in the morn'." he said, looking at the stranger. Havoc walked around the stranger, examining him. "WHere is your Zanpaktou? All Vaizard should have their Zan with them at alll costs. By the way, names Striker, Havoc Striker. As a Shinigami I had been nicknamed Crimson Strike. It means I used to be...Wow...been so long I can't remember."

Fixing his gei, Havoc had looked at the Stranger again. "I had decided to take the Vaizard's offer and become one truely. But they need to understand one thing: I can't control my hollow. Covah Rekirts Is far superior to me right now. I had just recently mastered my Bankai 45% of the way." he said, looking away, as his Leather jacket swayed. Havoc looked into the sky and saw something move across it. "I got this! Shakkahou!" He had shot a 1/3 of the basic Kidou's power at a hollow. It had shattered in the sky, raining blood everywhere. The remains were of its arms, some of its body, and its head and mask. "Damn I missed." He had charged some reiatsu into his hand. "What is this ability vaizard can use arrancar use? Bala I think." he said, blasting awya the remains of the hollow.

Havoc smiled and looked at the Vaizard stranger. "Never killed hollows in years1 I have had a friend train me in a underground area." Havoc had mentioned. "I haven't used my Zan on a hollow either. This friend taught me how to use kidou and bala." he said with a sad, depressing face, looking at the ground.

(Izzy? It is Auron! Hey dude, how ya been?)
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Join date : 2009-05-24

PostSubject: Re:    I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 13, 2009 1:07 pm

(( Lol hey I'm cool man, just Rping and what not as usual))

Izanagi raised an eyebrow slightly as the stranger's words began rolling off his tongue and at first he sounded a little rude to Izanagi. But shrugged it off as the man wanting to get to the point as soon as possible. Lifting his hands Izanagi soon folded them and sighed before his own words began to flow as well. "You're a very talkative one aren't you? And you give away way too much information too quickly for my liking. Blabbing like that without knowing who I am is a bad idea no matter how you want to look at it". Pausing for a moment before resuming again Izanagi tilted his head off to the side before flexing his muscles a little. His hands soon moved into his pockets as he unfolded them with a look of boredom on his face. "In any case you said you were offered a position of 5th Elite Vaizard no? I must say that is a pretty decent offer, I was never given an offer like that. But it bugs me though that your so confident that you'll become my superior. Could this be pure confidence or cockiness on your part that I'm sensing?".

Izanagi's eyes didn't leave the stranger not even for a moment, even when the man began examining him he made sure to remain vigilant at all times. "Nice observation Skills Mr Striker. I am Izanagi by the way and its been a while since I've had a good fight. Although I'm not sure if I could take you on without a Zanapakuto. But I've managed so far so it should be interesting I think". Izanagi kept a smile on his face before lifting his hand to scratch this forehead for a brief moment. "You shouldn't concern yourself with my Zanapakuto though, besides you'll be assuming way too much for my liking which is based purely on what you cannot see". The white haired warrior didn't give a verbal response after hearing Striker's nickname. He however wondered why he got the name and if he even deserved such a name. Glancing around the area for a moment Izanagi was about to walk away before Striker began talking again. This time he actually said something that caught Izanagi's ears.

"I see. So I'm right when I say your just a young Vaizard constantly fighting an internal battle right? Thankfully I don't possess any Hollow powers and so I don't have to worry about what everyone else in this place worries about. It's so much better being a regular Shinigami these days. As for your Bankai well that could only be an hindrance for you in battle too. I myself have yet to reach that level and so you're one of the lucky ones. Come to think about it, you just might become my superior, but I would prefer if you could demonstrate your abilities to me". After his long winded response Izanagi realized the he spoke too soon and maybe he should have waited a while before speaking. The kidou that was fired didn't surprise Izanagi as much as the Bala. It was rather strange, since he doesn't remember seeing a Vaizard using such a thing. It was mainly Cero or nothing then again some Vaizards have also attained even more power over the years and so it wasn't so far fetched now.

"You are a strange one Striker and I'm starting to think that living undergone could be the main cause of that. You are way too excessive in your chosen attacks but never mind. Why don't you get yourself something to eat and we'll have a spar at first light. Its been a while since I fought against someone more powerful than I am. Anyway I'm off to my resting place now so see ya in a few hours"
. Striker was now left to his own devices now that Izanagi was about to go and get some rest. Unless Striker had something important to say the crimson eyed man will be gone in a matter of moments.
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PostSubject: Re:    I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 13, 2009 8:33 pm

Havoc had stopped him for a minute. "I am strange yes. For I may look young, I have been a vaizard for a couple years before truely joining you people. You cannot fool me elite. Seeinga s your reitsu is being held back.I may be a young vaizard but I was something more honored than that before. I am also honorable and wish to make friends." he said, with a slight smile. He then suggested, "Oh, but I wish to talk to you more since ou are very reasonable. Don't worry, I am not as short fused and brutal as I used to be. That was why I was called the Crimson Strike. These are not like the secrets I still have. These are not even secrets at all seeing as I need some experienced hollow controller or Elite to help me." Havoc had looked into his leather, battered wallet seeing only 60 yen. "Not much..."

He then answered some more of the questions his friend had. "I will show you my ability. But it will have to wait tomorrow. If you do not have a Zanpaktou then I will fight you bare handed. Well, I wasn'ttrying to be cocky. i was saying If I do. I wish to be important instead of someone who is always put to the side like it used to be. barely had a chance to fight!"

(sorry for the short post. I have only a coupld minutes left before leaving)
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PostSubject: Re:    I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 1:03 pm

Vincitore chuckled a little at Havoc's assumption, though he was correct Vincitore couldn't help himself. "Damn it. And here I was trying to keep this a secret of sorts. There is no point in me hiding it anymore it would seem. I am in fact one of the so called elites around here and I do possess a Zanapakuto. The only thing is I only reveal with when needed, which it seems I will be doing tomorrow". He had a little smile on his face before a little snicker escaped from him. Vincitore's whole behavior had changed and he was almost child like now. Did he not take Havoc seriously? "In any case Havoc it would be good to have you around here. Besides we're alone in this world now, you speak of making friends didn't you? You will soon come to find that you can only make friends and form a bond with those of your kind. All others have forsaken us and quite frankly hope to see us all dead. Anyway I will see you tomorrow I guess bright and early".

Vincitore began leaving the area so that Havoc could prepare himself and get some rest for their little spar. Vincitore was also quite hungry and needed just a little drink before he himself go off to bed. The area that the Vaizards now occupied was peaceful and apart from the odd low level hollows sneaking around. They didn't have any problems or issues with any outside influences. The hybrids as far as Vincitore could tell wanted to be left alone in peace and not be bothered by anyone. Still there was a couple of agents that kept on hunting them down. Agents that was once their comrades whom themselves fought among and protected too. Vincitore soon left the area as the wind almost carried him away much like the leaves earlier.

=========Following Morning===========

It was rather earlier even for Izanagi's standards but the white hair warrior was up and seemed ready. He performed a little warm up routine as he awaited his opponent in the form of Havoc. It wasn't before long that the sun had risen above the land of the Vaizards. And as it did so Vincitore took note of the crimson red Sun that rose towards the heavens. The everlasting Sun soon grabbed the attention of the Man that stood 6'3 tall with his hands folded. Vincitore found himself perched on a boulder, he inhaled taking in the fresh air that the earliest hours of the morning brought along. After filling his lungs with the fresh air he exhaled releasing the now carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It was very interesting how the cycle seem to work perfect and very efficient too. It was now a matter of waiting for Havoc to show up so that they can get things started. It's been a while since Izanagi really let loose on anyone and perhaps Havoc could provide him with a decent battle.
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PostSubject: Re:    I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 10:34 am

Havoc had appeared right behind Vincitore and said, "Boo! Morn'. I had finally got a decent meal last night. Good sake too! This ain't so bad. Kinda relaxin." He had talked with a bit of slang. Then, grabbing his face, he had readied for battle, already having his Zan drawn. "I have to say I might be rusty cuz I missed that hollow by just aiming alright not perfect and shooting too late with that kidou. Can you do a favor for me? If yes, will you help me train with control over my hollow by telling me the steps?I have to bring out my mask for that to enter the realm of my Zan or is it called realm of hollow..." Havoc had set down his glistening Zan and tightened his shoe laces and belt. Then, he zipped up his jacket and lifted his zan again, in defense style.

"How are we going to do this, battle or train? I would like to see your abilities but I am indeed in need of a favor."Havoc said, shaking from something so random. "What the hell was that? Must be since I was in a cold room last night..." he yelled, jumping. He then yawned and stretched awaiting for Vincitore's movements. "I have a good feeling about this place. I feel as I already ahve a friend. Heh...More then in the S.S."
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